I am back from the conference in Norway. Haven’t posted in many days, so I guess a lot of news.

Trondheim is a very nice place and apart from the fact I caught a cold and my presentation was not exactly up to my expectations (well.. I suppose a cold is a good excuse) , the rest were fine. There were some really nice talks and it proved to me that not all research is just theory, which is a very very good thing. Pics will follow.

I also bought a nice WD Scorpio 80GB 2.5” HDD for my laptop from dabs today. I will replace the one that I currently have in my laptop and the old one will be used as an external backup disk.

P.S. Forgot to mention that I sent my first item sold on ebay yesterday. It was a memory module from my laptop, that I removed because of an upgrade. Sold for ~10 pounds + 3.5 pounds for the package, is not bad at all. I hope it reaches the buyer safe (well… the packaging is not exactly professional) and the feedback left is good. The next item I might be selling is the that voice I got and rarely used (why did I buy it in the first place then)?

Today I made my first listing as a seller on Ebay. I decided to sell my spare laptop memory module. It’s really easy to do it and it does not take so much time at all! It starts at 0.99 pounds. Let’s see how much money I am going to make on this…

At last after the admin jobs, I have started writing the thesis proposal. I’ve already reached 1000 words. Well… if I keep up like that I should be able to finish it in 15 days. I know this is not going to happen, but I want to finish it ASAP.

I am finishing work early today. Now going to watch football for the qualifying of the CL (Visla-PAO).

Well! For the past days I have been engaged with details of the IKY report and the trip to Norway, that I have literally made ZERO progress on the thesis proposal and the research.
From tomorrow I am starting serious work (from the morning) on the thesis proposal. I also have to send out emails to arrange a date. And it is going to be SOON!

I was also looking for an 80 GB 2.5” hdd to use for backing up purposes now that my laptop is dying. I made bids on 2 items on ebay, but no luck. I am still trying! I was also looking for a new laptop. It seems that they are a bit expensive and I will have to wait at least until Xmas. I would also start searching for a part time job more actively.

I also decided that I should start studying for the Java Certification. The target date I should be ready is Xmas.

After 2 weeks or so we are starting again to regularly back to the gym. Weds and Sundays.

Apart from that I received today a mysterious email from a company asking for my details regarding a senior developer post in C. I don’t think my profile fits their needs, but I will send my details anyway.

Also my scepticism about the domain registration company is growing bigger. I was informed that someone sent an email to the anastasakis.net address three days ago, but I still haven’t received! Looks like I am moving to another company!

That’s it. I am already late for the gym and the rest are going to kill me!