About Kyriakos Anastasakis

I was born on the beautiful island of Chios, Greece, where I received my primary school and high school education. At the age of 18 (in 1997), I moved to Athens to attend the Department of Informatics at the T.E.I. of Athens. In 2001 as part of a six month industrial placement, I joined Ulysses Systems, Piraeus as a junior Software Developer. In 2002 I received the degree of Informatics Engineer (Mihanikos Pliroforikis) from the T.E.I. of Athens. I continued to work for Ulysses Systems until the end of July of 2003. In 2003 I moved to Birmingham to study for the MSc in Advanced Computer Science at the School of Computer Science, at the University of Birmingham. In 2004, after I finished the MSc studies, I decided to stay in Birmingham and pursue a PhD degree in Computer Science. Since then I have been working towards the PhD in Birmingham under the supervision of Dr. Behzad Bordbar. Since 2005 I have been a part time self-employed software consultant. An interesting project I was involved in, was the development of a small scale CRM software for the Birmingham branch of MLP Private Finance. Since 2004 I have also been responsible for development and maintainance of the website of the Hellenic Society of the University of Birmingham.

I am talking of course about Stewie Griffin, the baby from Family Guy! On http://www.stewielive.com/ you can interact with him. You type in a command and he replies. I played a bit and found out he responds to the following commands (in parentheses are my comments):

  • doctor
  • simpsons (that’s naaaastyyy as Cleveland would say!)
  • meg (I know quite a few women for whom Stewie’s opinion applies perfectly!)
  • brian
  • chris
  • kill lois (of course!)
  • deuce (of course!)
  • victory is mine (or broccoli)

Moreover he responds to the following commands:

money, dance, sex, eat, sleep, poo, ass, stewie, time machine, evil twin, quagmire, tricycle, walk, scratch, baby, damn it, bitch, fat, hands, blink, nose, mouth, spit, talk, mind control, god, cow, love.

On the other hand he doesn’t seem to respond to the following commands:

herbert (I mean come on… if stewie doesn’t have a line on an old, pervert paedophile… who does?), hair, bertram, shut up, fox, easter egg, seth, MacFarlane, Quahog, imbecile, cleveland, adam, west, teeth, diaper, sewing machine, car, beat up, Rupert, swim

YAP (Yet Another Post) on iPhone Annoyances

A couple of months ago I decided to become the proud owner of an iphone. The one I got is the UK version with the 1.1.4 firmware. I am also still using my old (really old) nokia 6210, which is an (almost) 8-year old phone. I became annoyed that my 8-year old phone has certain simple features the iphone doesn’t have. So:

Things nokia 6210 can do, but the current version of Iphone (firmware 1.1.4) can’t (at least without installing any additional packages):

  1. View how many characters you have typed in your SMS message. This is really important.. Continue reading

I recently went back home for a few days. A neighbour’s cat had given birth to four little kittens. Once I woke them up and one of them was really pissed off. I have never seen so much anger and a look of annoyance in a cat before! (S)He looks like he is saying: “why did you wake me up you*&%$?”. By the way, from another picture, it seems that this particular kitten has a mustache!

For the past 3 hours I have been cleaning up my desk and sorting out the papers I had printed out (yes, when I talk about spring cleaning, I really mean it)! Anyway, I was listening to last.fm, while cleaning up. I asked it to play similar artists to Mikis Theodorakis, who is an excellent Greek composer of hmmmm… “metasymphonic music” (the term is borrowed from Wikipedia). After a couple of songs of similar to Miki’s music, last.fm decided to play a necromantia song! Necromantia is a Greek black metal group. What is the similarity between “metasymphonic music” and black metal? Well both artists are Greek, but apart from that.. none I would dare to say!Last.fm FAQ on the “similar artists” functionality says:

The list of artists which you may see on an artist page as being “similar” is based exactly on our user’s listening habits. If a lot of users listen to Artist X, but also Artist Y and Z – Y and Z artists will become similar to X.

With a few added constants and other functions thrown into the equation to help make it more accurate, you’ll find that’s how Similar Artists are made.

The screencap follows:


This is another script I found while cleaning up my hdd. Now, we all know that java .class files can be decompiled to (a version) of their source code. The first java decompiler out there is jad. I tried to decompile some of my class files using jad.exe, but I couldn’t find a way of decompiling multiple .class files at the same time. So instead of digging into the documentation, I decided to quickly create a script that allows me to decompile a number of .class files at the same time.

Here’s how it works! I created a VBScript that goes through a directory (and subdirectories) of .class files and creates a dos batch file. The dos batch file can now be used to run and actually decompile all the .class files!

The VBscript can be found under this link: Decompile_vbs.

You need to edit it and change the paths to the .class and source directories.

When you execute this file, it will create a dos batch file like this one: Example_decompile.batPlease note this batch file will be generated under the directory where jad.exe exists! You can now run this batch file, which will actually decompile the .class files.