I recently received an Apple TV as a gift. I saw that it had inherent support for watching NBA games. I had to buy an international NBA League Pass subscription, login and that should be it.

1. NBA League Pass Apple TV Only Available in Certain Countries

I bought a monthly League Pass Premium subscription. However, it turned out that even if you buy a subcription Apple TV is not available in certain countries! This was not evident on the fist subscription screen where it showed that if I bought a subscription I would have access from “multiple platforms”. The logo of Apple TV, Xbox, Kindle appeared amongst other logos.

2. Cancelling my Subscription

I assume the lack of any clear indication that some platforms are not available in certain countries constitutes false advertising. But still, I just decided to cancel my subscription. I logged into my account on the league pass website. I navigated to all available screens. There is no visible way to cancel the subscription. What’s worse is that under the “My Packages Section” it is mentioned:

Below is a list of your current packages and upgrades if available

Excellent! I can upgrade my subscription (i.e. pay more) but there is no direct way to cancel it! I sent an email to their support and I am waiting for their response.

I still have good faith in the League and I hope that my horrible experience was due to incompetent software engineers who can’t provide vital information available at first glance and can’t support some standard functionality like unsubscribing.


Update:  The situation is a joke. I sent them two emails without any reply. I tried to login to my account on the web and it says the account has been locked. Ok, I wanted to cancel my subscription, but I have already paid for 30 days! If you forbid me to login at least return the amount of money already paid. I am not going to spend any more time on this.

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Page last modified: 17:31 on December 16, 2013 (UTC+2)